Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Sharing with you experiences of Gulam Sarwar, being a part of GRA - "Anubhav"

Gulam Sarwar has completed his dual degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Bombay in 2019. And currently he is working with IITB and Embryo Technology, Pune based Med Tech start up for early stage detection of cancer.

"I am immensely indebted to GRA for the plethora of experiences, exposure as well as amazing friends.

In GRA, I was in the vicinity of people who were thoughtful, inquisitive, humble and funny. Camps, indeed, were the best part of GRA. They were like myth busters. Many of the laid down prejudices dissolved and it was always a dawn of fresh learning and new stories. Stories, that taught me to value little things, respect the differences as well as empathetic about others. 

I would say that the values I learned from GRA still guide my decision and shape my outlook about job, society and life in general."

Monday, February 15, 2021

Dnyanesh Sharing his experiences with GRA - "Anubhav"

  Here is an excerpt from experiences Dnyanesh Borse had being a part of GRA. He has completed his B. Tech in Civil engineering from IIT Bombay in 2019 and he is now pursuing a Ph. D at IIT Bombay.

“GRA made me realize the fundamental things in life that I could have never learned otherwise. It gave me a perspective for leading a purposeful life. GRA camps and meeting rural folks, community life, and developmental activities being done by great social workers not just motivated me but also helped me and are still helping me while taking crucial decisions in life.

The exposure I gained in traveling and meeting new people, getting new ideas for the overall well-being of the country and development helped me to become a complete engineer. I learned that Technology assisted with an understanding of grassroots and social sciences is something very important. I got to interact with all levels of students from all disciplines and professors in a very friendly way. Discussions with these people gave me numerous different perspectives and developed my thinking abilities along with knowledge and understanding of social problems in our society. I am thankful to be part of this awesome group.”